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Superintendent Diana Pownall told how Merseyside Police are 'seeing an increased number of reports from members of the public in relation to these illegal gatherings'. Police were also called to a gathering at a property at 12. 20am on Oldham Street, Liverpool, (pictured, stock image) where two fixed penalties were issued She said: 'We are seeing an increased number of reports from members of the public in relation to these illegal gatherings which shows how annoying and frustrating it has become for those who are abiding by the law when they see people blatantly ignoring it. 'We have all had special occasions which we have had to postpone or adapt during the Coronavirus restrictions and lockdown. 'These people are no different than the rest of us but their selfish actions suggest that they think they are above the law. Seven people on-board a moored boat on Coburg Wharf, Liverpool City Centre, were issued with fixed penalty notices and a quantity of Class A drugs were seized 'The law is clear – people should not be gathering in groups with people who are not in their own household or support bubble.

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El también llamado picuro, es un animal nervioso, asustadizo e inofensivo que se adapta con facilidad al cautiverio. ¿Qué come el tepezcuintle? Se alimenta de frutas y de frutos de palmeras y actúa como un gran dispersor de semillas. Amenazas, explotación comercial Ha sido sometido a una intensa caza en busca de su carne comestible y de su valiosa piel, que se exporta para la confección de carteras, maletas y correas. Cacería de tepezcuintle Los indígenas lo cazan, además, porque causa enormes destrozos en las chacras, en especial en los sembradíos de yuca. Hiel de majás La hiel de majás, desecada, es considerada un antídoto poderoso contra la picadura de serpientes venenosas. Por esa razón, los mitayeros y fisgueros la llevan consigo para beberla, disuelta en agua, en caso de ser picados por las culebras. Protección de la especie en criaderos Ante la evidente sobreexplotación de estos roedores del amazonas, se han tomado medidas para proteger la especie, como la realización de experiencias de crianza, con majás o tepezcuintle y sajino, en zoocriaderos en la región Loreto desde finales de la década de 1990, con muy buenos resultados.

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