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NOTICIA 11. 12. 2020 - 17:15h La Asociación de Bares, Cafeterías y Restaurantes de Mallorca lo ha manifestado ante la Policía Nacional. La Asociación de Bares, Cafeterías y Restaurantes de Mallorca, Restauración CAEB, ha denunciado ante la Policía Nacional a los diferentes establecimientos de McDonald's y Burger King ubicados en Palma por "incumplir la ley y saltarse el toque de queda ". En una nota de prensa, el presidente de Restauración CAEB, Alfonso Robledo, ha explicado este viernes que los establecimientos en cuestión "no cerraron sus puertas a las 22. 00 horas", tal y como establece el toque de queda impuesto por el Govern balear y, además, ofrecieron servicio de 'delivery' más allá del límite horario establecido "lo cual está totalmente prohibido". Robledo ha señalado que empezaron a recibir "un aluvión de llamadas de socios ya que la ciudad estaba llena de motos de reparto a domicilio cerca de la media noche". Ante esto, ha mostrado su "indignación" por este hecho "que nos perjudica a todos".

Llanto y crujir de dientes entre los seguidores de 'Juego de tronos'. George R. R. Martin, el autor de los libros en los que está basado la exitosa serie de TV acaba de confirmar en su blog que la escritura del sexto volumen, 'Vientos de invierno', no estará a acabada a tiempo y que, por lo tanto, la sexta temporada de la serie, que se estrenará en abril, se adelantará al libro más esperado por los lectores del género. El volumen de los daños (hasta qué punto la sexta temporada utilizará contenido previo o hará que los futuros lectores de 'Vientos de inverno' se tengan que resignar a leer una historia que ya habrán conocido previamente en el 'show' de la HBO) se sabrá más adelante. Pero de momento, el escritor ya se confiesa "deprimido". Con cierta grado de maldad, el autor de la serie empieza su largo 'post' anunciando que es "uno que todos habíais estado esperando". Pero el contenido no es el que todos esperaban. Martin empieza explicando que este año ha sido "el mejor de los tiempos, y el peor de los tiempos", parafraseando a Dickens.

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– He made a brief appearance in TVXQ's music video, "HaHaHa Song" along with EXO-K's Suho and Kai. – He formed a temporary band with his high school classmates. – His thick voice is charming. – When you're by his side, you just start laughing no matter what. Birth Name: Do Kyung Soo Stage Name: D. O. Nickname: Heenjabuja (rich in whites) Super Power (Badge): Earth Date of Birth: January 12, 1993 Position: Main Vocalist Specialties: Singing, beat box – He shares room with Kai. – He's the cleanest member in EXO-K. – He took up vocal lessons and such even before auditioning SM in 2010. – He has interests in becoming a chef and mostly cooks for the members. – His motto is "Be Number One…". – He has a habit of humming songs. – He is a quiet person. – He admires composer Yoo Young Jin. – He is really family oriented, good at organizing and picking up after them whenever they made mistakes. – He is able to catch even the littlest things in the home. – He looks cute, but he's deep on the inside.

At meals, she sat at Hitler's left. She felt secure enough to rebuke Hitler for being late to dinner, and to indicate when she thought he had talked enough. She enjoyed swimming and skiing. She loved fashion and changed her clothes several times a day. She took photographs and home movies of Hitler and his guests (which can be seen on YouTube) and generally behaved as though she were at home. And then, on Sept. 1, 1939, Hitler invaded Poland. Görtemaker is in no doubt that Braun knew of his plans. He seems to have talked freely about them at the Berghof. During the course of the conflict, at least until close to the end, she seems to have been unconcerned, taking her annual trip to Italy while Hitler was conducting the war on the Eastern Front. Even as the war turned against Germany, Hitler, according to Goebbels, was praising his companion's "calm, intelligent and objective way of being. " Not until 1944, when the Red Army had reached Warsaw, did Braun make her will. Eva Braun loved Hitler; of that there can be no doubt.

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