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Buenas n_n... Esta pagina fue creada para aquellos que aprecian el arte de la música y para aquellos que no la aprecian tambien. Si ustedes quieren aprender a tocar una flauta dulce... lo primero que tienen que aprender son las notas y pues de eso me encargare yo. ustedes solo pracitquenlo Esta es la posicion de manos de la flauta debe seguir el orden de otro modo hara mas dificil la practica y logro de melodias Estas son las notas basicas llamadas graves y mas simples de la flauta dulce Estas son las notas agudas y un poco mas complicadas de la flauta dulce Lean bien, y practiquenlas bien. Si tienen alguna duda dejenme un mensaje y yo se la respondere gustosamente. Tambien existen las notas bemol o sostenidas. esta es la reB# o mi sostenido Esta es fa# Esta esLaB# o Sol sostenida Esta es SiB# o la sostenida Olvide que hay un DO que consiste en tapar solo los 2 primeros agujeros y destapados el de atras y los restantes Ahora.. ustedes sabiendo dichas notas y habiendolas practicado.. Procedo con las notas musicales de algunas canciones.

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Once recovered, I then struggled trying to get back up to date with everything I hadn't been able to work on in that time (including the day job), when about 3-4 weeks ago my wife's uncle past away after being suddenly struck by several heart attacks which meant he had to be put in ICU. His death was very untimely, and hit her family hard. As I was meant to have the kickstarter campaign's book content finished by this month, that has meant I've had to put the regular webcomic updates on hold until the kickstarter book content has at least finished being drawn. Thank you all for your patience and understanding, and I hope to have you more updates mid to late November. On May 20th I'll be launching the Kickstarter to try and fund the first printing of the first 70 pages of Orbit: encounter. I would appreciate it so much if you could help fund this by at least spreading the word. There will be a huge variety of rewards from stickers and pins, to dufflebags, t-shirts and commissions. Let the count down begin!

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