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No esperes a que llegue el verano para destapar tu piscina y encontrarte con un espacio donde no se bañan ni las ranas. 1. Revestimiento gresite Este es uno de los materiales más fiable y duradero para la piscina. Se trata de un material vítreo que ofrece una gran resistencia ante la humedad, los cambios de temperatura y los productos químicos. Suele pasar que mucha gente cree que el gresite son azulejos, pero en absoluto es así. La diferencia es que este material (el gresite) no emplea arcillas cocidas, sino que está hecho con cristal plano, fundido a altas temperaturas. Estas características dotan a este material de una gran durabilidad e inalterabilidad al paso del tiempo. Es muy resistente. Ventajas Su gran resistencia a los elementos y las condiciones, sumado a un aspecto refinado, hacen del gresite un material muy empleado en el mundo de las piscinas. Además, la posibilidad de usar varios colores permite crear dibujos o adornos al gusto de cada cliente. Podrás personalizar el interior de tu piscina.

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As they read his increasingly disturbing notes, they start noticing coincidences all around them, and soon a real sense of danger sets in. Has their father unlocked some forbidden truth about the universe? Or are they just finding patterns because they want to? Laureth's first-person narration (notably free of visual descriptions) is full of frustrations about how people perceive her, insecurities about her limitations, and the courageous resourcefulness born of her fundamental differences. Sedgwick (Midwinterblood, 2013) plunges us deep into Laureth's experience, detailing the actions and considerations that seem tiny to the sighted—such as deciphering money, shaking hands, using a phone, or standing in line—but which are wholly different for the visually impaired. This fast-paced thriller delivers a compelling mystery, thought-provoking questions about existence, and brilliantly lifelike characters. Grades 7-11. --Sarah Hunter

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Punjab police have told the BBC that Singh was also suspected of killing another girlfriend in the neighbouring state of Haryana and had been out on bail at the time of Ms Kaur's killing. Chandigarh police official Neha Yadav told the BBC it was likely the man had aired his confession in an effort to garner sympathy. 'He wanted publicity and sympathy, and also hoped that some lawyer would take up his case as he had no money to engage a lawyer. ' Advertisement

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Tue, 02 Mar 2021 14:45:12 +0000