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From foundation to mascara and lipstick: The symbol on make-up products that ALL women should know about Like the food you eat, makeup products have expiry dates too But when was the last time you cleaned out your overflowing cosmetic bag? Here, FEMAIL has compiled the ultimate guide on the makeup expiration dates Most cosmetic products have a have a Period After Opening (PAO) symbol Published: 20:32 EST, 23 July 2018 | Updated: 23:49 EST, 23 July 2018 Like the food you eat, makeup products have expiry dates too. But when was the last time you cleaned out your overflowing cosmetic bag, beauty draw or bathroom cabinet? Here, FEMAIL has compiled the ultimate guide on exactly when to throw out your beauty items - and the symbol all women should know about. So how do we figure out the makeup expiration dates? Most labels have a Period After Opening (PAO) symbol - it's the tiny jar with a figure indicating how many months the product will last. Like the food you eat, makeup products have expiry dates too.

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Ignacio Martínez de Pisón Seix Barral. Barcelona, 2017. 445 páginas, 21€ Hay muchas cosas buenas que podrían decirse de la nueva novela de Ignacio Martínez de Pisón (Zaragoza, 1960), Derecho natural, y todas ellas derivan de la coherencia de su autor, cuya absoluta conciencia profesional lleva años combinándose con su innegable talento narrativo para construir, una y otra vez, novelas intachables y sólidas. He aquí otra novela de Martínez de Pisón: una familia cuyos conflictos establecen sutiles pero indiscutibles correspondencias con la historia de nuestro país (en este caso, otra vez, la Transición); una atención precisa al detalle psicológico revelado en cada gesto, acción y decisión; una estructura narrativa que se gana el derecho a ser considerada más clásica que convencional, pero que aspira a la legibilidad y la claridad más que a la incomodidad; una figura paterna conflictiva y que vive en una escapada permanente... El resultado es bueno, porque el autor es incapaz de escribir una mala novela; el problema deriva, precisamente, de constatar que a Derecho natural no la beneficia ser "buena", porque sus posibilidades se ven bastante acotadas por esa misma bondad narrativa.

Personality Due to his humble nature, Willie was a frequent target of bullying, both at school and at home. This instilled in him a deep-seated desire for revenge against his tormentors. Despite this, he had a huge crush on Blade, though it was entirely one-sided due to her own shallowness. During his time in juvenile hall, Willie became more assertive and confident, thanks to his new abilities. While Willie preferred using his powers, he was not above being fair as he gave Nelson a chance to fight him fairly though went back on his word to defeat him. Powers and Abilities Technopathy: Willie gained the ability to control GoLeM, a giant robot normally used for construction. Following his first fight with Batman, Willie could control the robot mentally without a headset. Telekinesis: After being sent to juvie, Willie developed the ability to manipulate objects with his mind, even from long distances, as well as levitate himself in the air. Appearances Batman Beyond " Golem " " Revenant " References

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