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Animal Classification Chart Worksheet

  1. Animal classification chart worksheet answers
  2. Animal classification chart for kids worksheet
  3. Animal classification chart worksheet
  4. Animal classification chart worksheets

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Animal classification chart worksheet answers

This activity works better with year two children if they are given thinking time before the activity takes place and if the child taking on the role of a character is told that the rest of the class are talking to the character and not them. Where This Unit Fits Into The New Primary Framework This unit has been planned using The National Literacy Strategy but it could also be used when planning from the new Primary Framework. The objectives and activities could fit into strand nine which is called 'Creating and shaping texts' and the S&L activities could fit into strand one (speaking). Unit two (Y2) in the new Primary Framework also has resources that could be used with lesson four.

Animal classification chart for kids worksheet

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Animal classification chart worksheet

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Animal classification chart worksheets

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