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Learn more about the kit and his genre-defying style in this interview on NI's Soundcloud Page. DOWNLOAD THE KIT OM UNIT London bass wizard Om Unit has created a set of exclusive samples for BATTERY 4 showcasing his sharp percussion and drum sounds. Learn how he created them in this exclusive interview on NI's Soundcloud Page. ZOMBIE DISCO SQUAD London legend Zombie Disco Squad has created a custom kit for BATTERY 4 showcasing his signature haunted house sound. Learn how he created it in this exclusive interview on NI's Soundcloud Page. STARKEY Electronic innovator Starkey produced an exclusive kit for BATTERY 4 with a custom set of fresh sounds. Learn how he created the kit and hear it in action in an interview on NI's Soundcloud Page. WHEN YOU NEED MORE DRUMS... The BATTERY 4 library is vast, but sometimes you just need that special sound. Expansions offer tailor-made kits for BATTERY 4, based on specific genres. Spend less time searching for the right kicks, snares, hi hats, percussion and FX, with drum kits made to match your style.

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(As duas levantam-se e saem do palco abraçadas. ) LILICA MOÇA(recomeça a contar): Quantas vezes sentei-me à mesa para conversar com minha mãe sobre os meus namorados! Ela sempre teve tanto interesse e uma palavra doce para me dar cada vez que eu tinha uma dúvida.. (Lilica moça para de falar, quando entram Raul, Marcelo e Lilica criança para continuarem a arrumação da sala. ) LILICA: Papai, vamos acabar logo de colocar esta faixa, antes que a mamãe chegue. (Os três colocam a faixa e depois vão chamar Ruth. Quando ela entra, de olhos fechados, começa a tocar novamente a música do Dia das Mães e entram outras crianças para cantarem junto. ) MARCELO: Parabéns, mamãe! LILICA: Parabéns, mamãe! (Os dois seguram a mãe e dão-lhe muitos beijos. Enquanto todos se divertem cantando, a música abaixa e Lilica moça volta a falar. ) LILICA MOÇA: Mãe é aquela que nos ama, que está do nosso lado quando precisamos, para ouvir nossas queixas e se alegrar com nossas vitórias. Que nos aceita como somos e diz que nos ama com os lábios, com os olhos e com o coração.

I've been looking for the perfect Fishing Simulator for a very long time and I think Albion has hit the sweetest spot I've been yearning for a while. OSRS (Old School Runescape) has a very basic way of fishing but I loved how I could sit with other fishermen talking about our finest catches. Stardew Valley almost hit the jackpot with their fishing mini game but since it was single player, it felt rather pointless. Albion Online has jack of all trades and for that reason, as a new player all I want to get into is Fishing and becoming the best Grander Fishermen in Albion. Can you really get far with just fishing? Make a Fishing Guild, for transporting the best fishes from one town to another? I don't know but something about this game, makes me feel like there's more possibilities for a Fisherman to do than what the game expects you to do.

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