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Primero descubre la verdad. Después, véngate.

It helps you to set study goals and prompts you to use review techniques that will help you to remember. The acronym SQ3R stands for the five sequential techniques you should use to read a book: S urvey, Q uestion, R ead, R ecite and R eview. Phase Description Survey (S) Scan the entire assignment to get an overview of the material. Read the headings to see the major points. Read the introductory paragraphs and the summary at the end of the chapter. Do not forget to look at the tables, pictures, etc. Remember, you are scanning the material and not actually reading every sentence. Question (Q) Make questions that can be answered during the reading of the material. This will give a purpose to your reading. Take a heading and turn it into a question. For example, if a heading in a chapter about Cell Division is in your biology text, make a question by turning the title around: "How does cell division occur? " or "How many steps are involved in cell division? " Read (R) Now you read the material trying to find answers to your questions.

Note Expression View Edit the pitch, slide and pressure envelopes of each note to refine the expression of your takes. Or take your sound design further by sequencing polyphonic sound variations. More expressive sounds included Wavetable, Sampler and Arpeggiator are all updated to support MPE. And Live comes with MPE presets for each device that bring new dimensions of interaction and playability to your sound. The new expressive possibilities also enable polyphonic aftertouch on Push. Experiment with new devices Hybrid Reverb Hybrid Reverb combines convolution and algorithmic reverbs. Place your sounds in any space, from accurate real-life environments to those that defy physical reality. Use the algorithmic side to add control and modulate the reverb tail, run it in parallel or in series with the convolution side, or play Hybrid Reverb like an instrument for real-time sound design. Spectral Resonator Breaks the spectrum of an incoming audio signal into partials, then stretches, shifts and blurs the result by a frequency or a note in subtle or radical ways.

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Wed, 10 Feb 2021 18:22:17 +0000