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5 points (16 votes) I was utterly stunned by how well this book did! It says a lot about the perspicacity of the voters that one of the lesser-known titles did so amazingly well – I reviewed it here. Having made our way through this terrific top 10 (well, 11 really), I thought it might be worth also looking at those that nearly made the cut. We should in fact also congratulate the runners-up, because the next three did extremely well and came very, very close to making it into the list. In effect what I realise we have generated here is something of a top 14 – but then, ten choices really were far too few! So, next up, we have: In eleventh position: The Ten Teacups (1937) (aka The Peacock Feather Mystery) – 30. 5 points (6 votes) One of my personal top 10 for this poll, but a book that seems to have fallen slightly out of favour, perhaps due to the elaborate and overly complicated method of its murder and its admitted reliance (or over-reliance) on coincidence – I still love it for its sheer ingenuity and bravado though!

JAVIER JORGE Durante más de una década trabajó como cronista de sociedad en diferentes medios de prensa escrita. Un día pensó: "Si no construyes tus sueños, alguien te va a contratar para que construyas los suyos", y creó Destrangis, su propia editorial, con la que publica su primera novela La última raya. Ver ficha del autor Opiniones sobre LA ULTIMA RAYA (EBOOK) ¡Solo por opinar entras en el sorteo mensual de tres tarjetas regalo de 20€! 7 /10 Basado en 33 comentarios Jessica Muñoz Rangel 20/08/2020 Ebook Lo he leído en dos dícomendado 200%. SILVIA SORIA UCERO 10/08/2020 Ebook El peor libro que he leído en mi vida, en serio. Lo he terminado por ponerme a prueba y en cuanto lo he cerrado lo he tirado a la basura, el primer libro que tiro, nuevo. Parece que el autor se ha reído de todos nosotros, me parece un insulto. Sin tramas, sin diálogos mínimamente interesantes ("y me dice.... y le digo.... "). Patético, de principio a fin. Maria del mar Domínguez lavado 13/04/2020 Ebook Lo he leido, es um libro increíble, me ha encantado Daniella Najera Hernández 02/12/2019 Ebook Me encantó, se parece bastante a mi historia.

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Estoy desarrollando un programa para preguntarme palabras. Intento recopilar el número de respuestas correctas, pero el contador me da en todos los casos 0 o 1. Cómo lo puedo solucionar? Aquí el código: diccionario = {} numeropalabras = int(input("¿Cuantas palabras quieres que te pregunte? : ")) for i in range(numeropalabras): palabra = str(input("\nIngrese su palabra en español: ")) traduccion = str(input("Ingrese la traducción al francés de {0}: "(palabra))) diccionario[palabra] = traduccion for palabra, traduccion in (): print('\nCuál es la traducción "{0}"? '(palabra)) respuesta = input("\nIngrese su respuesta en francés: ") contador = 0 if respuesta == traduccion: print("Su respuesta es correcta. ") contador = contador + 1 else: print("Su respuesta es incorrecta. ") print(contador) Mariano 23. 6k 17 medallas de oro 63 medallas de plata 97 medallas de bronce formulada el 22 nov. 16 a las 13:33 saca contador = 0 del for, decláralo al principio del código. Miquel Coll 3, 181 4 medallas de oro 19 medallas de plata 42 medallas de bronce respondida el 22 nov.

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Don't worry if every other sentence or paragraph seems to begin with "I", as any ambiguity over who made key actions, such as "we decided to terminate the contract", will stand out in your report and your reviewers will drill into these details. Our suggestion is to use the STAR format – Situation, Task, Action, Result. This ensures that your reviewer can quickly see the context of your problem and what decisions you were responsible or accountable for. So one evidence for "Management and Leadership" might end up in a style similar to the following fictional example: Situation: I discovered that we were consistently receiving late payment reminders from different vendors over a period of a year. Task: I initiated an investigation to find out why these delays were happening and what my department could do differently to keep our suppliers happy. In particular I wanted to understand the purchasing procedures and know what departments were involved from start to finish. Action: I influenced the payment process by investigating the bottlenecks in the purchase authorisation procedure and communications between the Finance department and our Project team and found out that there was a bottleneck in the VAT documentation which was causing delays of 2 months at a time.

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