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15. ATENÇÃO: As formas verbais OXÍTONAS terminadas em a, e, o seguidas de lo, la, los las, são acentuadas. Ex. : carregá-la, vendê-lo e acentue apenas as formas verbais terminadas em a, e, o. termina-las, traduzi-los, escreve-los pedi-lo, leva-la, compo-lo escreve-lo, ouvi-la, entende-la vende-lo, ampara-lo, deve-lo 16. PESQUISA: Os monossílabos tônicos e as palavras oxítonas estão por toda parte. Selecione 5 livros ou revistas que você tem em casa. Copie de cada um as 5 primeiras palavras oxítonas ou monossílabos tônicos que você encontrar. Não vale repetir.

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An amateur detective comes to a small village to unravel a series of suspicious deaths. A cozy murder mystery, with a few nice twists. A typical Agatha Christie. 21 apr The Weed That Strings The Hangman's Bag by Alan Bradley (audiobook) You can't help but get irritated by the precocious teenaged girl. Most of the other characters are not very well fleshed out. Good plot, good atmosphere, but the attempts at humor usually fail to raise a chuckle. A somewhat unsatisfactory murder mystery. 22 apr Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger I read this book expecting another Time Traveler's Wife. I didn't get that. But I got a book that creeps into the reader's mind, and stays there for a long long time. Lovely characterizations. Somewhat predictable plot. But worth putting on one's bookshelf. Perhaps worth re-reading a few times. 23 apr The Tales of Beedle The Bard by J K Rowling (audiobook) Horrible. Irritating. A book of the I'll-NEVER-read-this-again variety. The Tales are nothing special, but Dumbledore's additional comments and notes are unbelievably boring.

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Wed, 10 Mar 2021 12:12:26 +0000